Ho latela Tsebiso mabapi le Phatlalatso ea Lethathamo la Likhoebo tsa Temo ea "Qingdao Golden Flower" la 2022 le fanoeng ke Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Qingte Group e khethiloe ka katleho e le khoebo ea temo ea "Qingdao Golden Flower" ea 2022. Ho fihlela selemong sena, Sehlopha sa Qingte se thathamisitsoe lethathamong la likhoebo tsa temo ea "Qingdao Golden Flower" ka lilemo tse tharo tse latellanang, e leng e 'ngoe ea likatleho tse hlahelletseng tsa mosebetsi oa kaho ea mofuta oa sehlopha.
Tlas'a semelo sa mehla e mecha, sehlopha se latela ka mafolofolo mokhoa oa ntshetsopele ea indasteri, ho khothalletsa kaho ea leano cha, hlahloba boleng ba mothofatso le tsela e ncha ea ntshetsopele ya Qingte cha, e lula e le 'nete ho sepheo sa pele, ho sebelisa mekhoa ea motheo ea litekanyetso tsa motheo. “hlompha batho, botshepehi, boinehelo le boiqapelo”, mme o etsa matsapa a sa feleng ho phethahatsa pono ya kgwebo ya “ho ba kgwebo ya dilemo tse lekgolo, ho theha letshwao la lefatshe”!
Nako ea poso: Nov-23-2022